has any one seen the chivas whiskey ad? these should be run as public service commericals, I am not kidding. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49Yzx06RLUo (for some reason I couldnt embed the video) a little pretentious, but the message is there! son of a bee sting, how hard is it to get off your blackberry and give a nod? any acknowledgement, even. now I may not be the most shining example of a "good neighbour", hell, I dont even know my neighbours. but this is my point exactly.
Ive noticed over the past couple of years a massive leap towards doucheville in my day-to-day dealings with the so called general public, that its actually sort of terrifying. could you at least pretend to not be a total self involved prick when youre out and about?
the extremely, embarrassingly easy guide on how to not appear like a total dick:
- hold open a door --- classic, simple, and it only takes a second.
- give up your seat to a kid, elder, or disabled person --- I gave a young guy on crutches my spot on the train the other day and he was so shocked and thankful that I was a little embarrassed.
- do not crowd and push to get on the train --- this happens every.single.time I ride the train. trust me assholes, its not going anywhere with out you, so let me out first cause my trip is over.
- put your phone on vibrate --- its in the options menu, Im sure. plus your sean paul ringtone... well, its a fucking sean paul ringtone!
- inside voices --- whether you are in a shop, on transit, in a restaurant, or even actually outside, dont yell. nothing is worse than being around some couchetard who is literaly bellowing in to their phone or shouting in their friends faces. it gives me second-hand embarrassment for you, and I really shouldnt empathize at all. so it pisses me off.
- say yo' please and thank yous --- I mean it.
lets all welcome back common courtesy.
be kind.